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Catherine and I drove from Vienna to Hallstatt that is in Austria's Lake District. This town is one of Europe's oldest, going back
centuries before Christ. There was a Hallstatt before there was a Rome.

Hallstatt is located on a hillside next to the the village and
Hallstätter See (Hallstatt Lake).

I am pointing to the Catholic church with its mural of Saint Christopher (the patron saint of travelers) and baby Jesus.

Inside the Protestant church. After the Reformation , most of Hallstatt was Protestant, then under the Hapsburg's, it was primarily Catholic. Today about 60% of the village is Catholic.

This is a photo from the village plaza. You can see our hotel Gasthof Simony (a 500 year old building) in the background.

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The statute in Market Square features the Holy Trinity.

Catherine is picking out a fish dinner for us. The fish are
Reinanke trout from Lake Hallstatt.
Yes, we drove through this arch.

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Labels: Austria, Austria's Lake District, Gasthof Simony, Hallstatt, Hallstätter See, Lake Hallstatt, Photographs, Photos, Pictures, Reinanke trout, Saint Christopher, Travel