Travel Tales and Pictures

Travel Stories and Photographs by John.


Monterey, California

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Catherine and I drove to Monterey for the day. It is about a two hour drive from the San Francisco bay area to Monterey.

View of the beach at Monterey.

At the Custom House Plaza, there was a car show of vintage cars.

My Grandmother owned a Ford Woody like the one shown above.

Custom House Plaza.

Bougainvillea, a plant with brightly colored leaves are common in California. You can see an example behind Catherine in this photo.

Monterey Harbor.

Statue of Santa Rosalia, patron saint of the Italian fisherman who came to Monterey at the beginning of the 20th century

If you look closely, you can see a seal sunning themselves on a rock in the above photo.

If you look at the lower part of the above rock you can see a Brown Pelican. The Brown Pelicans are common in Monterey bay.

It is difficult to see, but there are sea otters in the above photo.

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